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Belize 2024 Trip Application
Belize 2024 Trip Application
First Name
First Name is required.
Last Name
Last Name is required.
Email address is not valid
Email is required.
Mobile Phone
Personal Spiritual Profile
Please share a brief personal testimony about your relationship with Christ, including how you became a follower of Jesus.
Please share a brief personal testimony about your relationship with Christ, including how you became a follower of Jesus. is required.
As a follower of Jesus, how has the Holy Spirit been working to transform your life?
As a follower of Jesus, how has the Holy Spirit been working to transform your life? is required.
How are you regularly engaged in the following: Scripture reading, prayer, fellowship, worship, serving, witnessing, etc.?
How are you regularly engaged in the following: Scripture reading, prayer, fellowship, worship, serving, witnessing, etc.? is required.
Ministry Experience
Is First Church your "home" church? If not, what church is?
Is First Church your "home" church? If not, what church is? is required.
Are you a Member of your church or a Regular Attender?
Regular Attender
Are you a Member of your church or a Regular Attender? is required.
How/where do you serve in your church?
How/where do you serve in your church? is required.
Mission Experience -Local & Foreign: Please include sending agency, where you served, what you did, when/how long, and role(s) you had.
Mission Experience -Local & Foreign: Please include sending agency, where you served, what you did, when/how long, and role(s) you had. is required.
What are your spiritual gifts?
What are your spiritual gifts? is required.
What are your skills, talents, and abilities?
What are your skills, talents, and abilities? is required.
Personal Call. How have you felt God leading you to participate in missions?
Personal Call. How have you felt God leading you to participate in missions? is required.
Goal/Motivation/Desire. Why are you seeking to go on this particular trip?
Goal/Motivation/Desire. Why are you seeking to go on this particular trip? is required.
Commitment and Agreement
Commitment and Agreement (read carefully and sign):
Commitment and Agreement (read carefully and sign): is required.
Parent Signature:
Anything else we should know?